Using AI in NZ and Common Roadblocks to business owners

Woman looking at ipad device in store.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide, including here in New Zealand. While we New Zealanders are fast adopters of tech, our use of AI is still lagging behind the level of use in Australia and Canada.

As your trusted accountant, we understand the pivotal role AI can play in enhancing efficiency, driving growth, and improving customer satisfaction for small businesses like yours. However, alongside these opportunities, there are several key challenges that may be hindering your decision to adopt AI solutions.

Opportunities Await

AI offers small businesses in New Zealand unprecedented opportunities to not only streamline processes on the ground floor level, but to also gain a competitive edge. Imagine having AI-powered systems that can automate routine tasks, provide real-time insights from data, enhance efficiency and operations.

Take, for instance, the case of local store owner, Maree Trow of Stirling Sports who leveraged AI to safeguard their business proactively. By implementing AI-powered surveillance systems, she could detect suspicious behaviour in real-time, preventing potential crimes before they occurred. This innovative use of AI not only bolstered security but demonstrated the tangible benefits AI can deliver.

What is stopping us moving forward so quickly?

Despite the opportunities, not all of us are embracing AI so quickly:

  1. Cost Considerations: Implementing AI solutions can be initially costly, especially for small businesses with tight budgets. There is only so much you can do using free versions and to really get the most out of any software or tech, you need to invest in it. Good news is that the long-term benefits often outweigh the upfront investment.
  2. Expertise Gap: How do you begin to know what you need? As your accountant, we can help you assess your needs and connect you with resources to navigate this gap effectively.
  3. Data Quality and Privacy Concerns: AI relies heavily on data quality and privacy compliance. You need a framework and guidelines in place to ensure you’re not in breach of data and privacy.
  4. Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating AI into your current systems may require careful planning and customization. Work with professionals in this space to get this right.
  5. Cultural Shift and Workforce Implications: Addressing potential employee concerns about job displacement and fostering a supportive culture of AI adoption are essential for successful implementation. We haven’t seen anyone being replaced by AI yet. We see it as a tool, not a threat.

Moving Forward Together

As trusted business advisors, our roles extend beyond traditional accounting services. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of AI adoption, from assessing feasibility and looking at app integrations together, to guiding you through the implementation process.

Embracing AI isn’t just about keeping up with trends—it’s about positioning your business for future success in a digital-first world. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of AI for your small business in New Zealand.

For more insights on how AI can benefit your specific industry or to discuss your AI strategy further, contact us today. Let’s harness the power of technology to propel your business forward.

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