where thinking
powers business
where thinking
powers business
Engine Room Chartered Accountants provide strategic accountancy + business advisory services to excel business growth and performance.
Our latest insights
Give your business a Healthcheck
When was the last time you took a helicopter ride above your business? The good news is that there’s a Healthy Business Checklist to help you quickly and easily check…
Stay Scam Savvy: Protecting your business from cyber threats
As a business owner in New Zealand, navigating the digital world is essential—but it’s also fraught with risks. Scammers are constantly evolving, targeting individuals and businesses alike with increasingly sophisticated…
How to get your business ready to sell
72% of Australian and New Zealand SMEs surveyed in William Buck’s Exit Smart Report 2023, expect to exit the business in the next 10 years. However, 64% of owners haven’t…
7 Ways To Get More From Your Forecasting
When you have access to detailed forecasts you can scenario-plan, search for cost-savings and look for strategies that will preserve your cashflow position. To be able to navigate the future…
Learn the essential habits of working on your business and how they can help your business grow. In this guide, you will gain insight into what working ‘on’ your business can do for your future and to clarify the difference.